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Boks jest jednym z najstarszych sportów walki, gdyż jego korzenie sięgają aż do starożytnych Grecji i Rzymu. Pierwotnie pięściarze bili się bez użycia rękawic, jednak...
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Strój, który mamy na sobie podczas wysiłku fizycznego, jest bardzo ważny. Jednym z jego elementów są buty. Buty do treningu na siłowni muszą być dobierane ze...
Rehband is a Swedish brand that until the beginning of the company's existence was related to the topic of orthopedics. It was this direction that allowed the company to quickly expand into the world of sport, helping runners, cyclists, CrossFiters, as well as all physically active people. The products are co-created with Athletes which allows them to perfectly adapt to their daily training needs. The Rehband brand has gained fame thanks to its high-end products, supporting, among others knee stabilization. If anyone is in the subject, they know that Rehband is unmatched on the market - over 60 years of experience and thousands of stabilizers sold.